My daughter, Suz, and I were off to Yosemite National Park to go skiing! We were so excited! My husband, Dick, stayed home with 3-year-old Shane, for the weekend. Dick had tried skiing one time, shortly after we married, and he had said, “Never again!” Since it wasn’t a family sport, it had no priority, and now in 1972 I hoped I hadn’t forgotten how to ski. Nine-year-old Suz would be taking lessons on the bunny slope. We started the trip by asking for God to take us safely there and back with no problems along the way.
We had just moved to northern California because Dick’s job was transferred there. I had never been to Yosemite, but I had charted the most direct route from the map. What I didn’t know was this road, Highway 120, went through an area that was closed for the winter. Darkness overtook us as we wound higher into the Sierra Nevada mountains. There was more and more snow and we met no other cars. A snow plow had cleared the road and pushed the snow to each side. These snow banks were eight feet high on both sides and the road did nothing but climb and wind around curves. I was thankful for the clear pavement with no ice, but we were alone on this highway and I felt distressed. I regretted that I had not asked for advice on what would be the best route. What had I gotten us into by picking a road on the map that seemed to be the most direct? There were no cell phones yet, and we were out here alone! A lot of dangers came to my mind.
In the Bible God promises He will supply the needs of those who belong to Jesus Christ (Phil. 4:19). I felt a desperate need to get to civilization and to safety! I hung on to that promise from God, and it comforted me to repeat the verse silently, over and over.
I didn’t want to alarm Suz, so we chatted about other things, but silently I was praying, “God, be with us! Help us to get there safely and soon!” I had called days ago for reservations at Yosemite Lodge and they were full. They suggested several motels. The closest reservation I could get was 20 miles down the mountain. The trouble was, that the motel wasn’t on this road. We would have to get to Yosemite Village to turn down Highway 140 and go another 20 miles.
Yosemite Village became a place of safety which I was trying to reach. Once there, I would not want to leave again. “God, please let Yosemite Lodge have had a cancellation so we can stay there,” became my silent prayer as we wound around one curve after another! By now, I had used up all of my courage, and only wanted to get to safety.
I kept driving and finally we saw the lights of Yosemite Village and we followed the signs to the Lodge. We parked in the snowy parking lot and hiked into the Lodge, reminding God, “You promised to meet all our needs, and we really need a room.”
I told the friendly desk clerk our dilemma. We didn’t have reservations, we had taken the wrong road, our motel was 20 miles away, and I couldn’t go any further! God is good! He kept His promise! Somehow they had a room for us! Once I had called the other motel and cancelled our reservation, I relaxed. We had safely arrived and God had given us a room!
We had one wonderful day of skiing! It was a delight to ski again and I enjoyed the different runs, the snow, and the sunshine. The awesome views were meant to be shared with someone, and I wished Suz was with me to share the wonderful scenery. I went looking for her, and found her enjoying the bunny slope. She had had a good time too. We took our skiis off and enjoyed just being together and eating a snack in God’s great outdoors. Then we packed up and headed home. Going back, we took the other road, Highway 140, and discovered why everyone else drove that way. It was a fast, direct way that was easy to navigate! I’d had an unforgettable trip with my wonderful daughter, and it was good to get home to Dick and Shane!
The promise, “My God shall supply all your needs,” will forever remind me of driving that dark, lonely highway with Suz, walled in by 8 foot snowbanks, and slowly winding up into the mountains. God met our need! He provided a safe haven at Yosemite Lodge. I will never forget that God kept His promise when I was desperate. What a huge promise it is! He promises to meet all our needs if we belong to Jesus Christ! It’s almost too good to be true, but I’ve tested it for 48 years, and it is true! Don’t miss my free eBook on godanswers.net, and learn how to have Him meet your needs also.