I couldn’t believe what I had just said to my daughter, Suz, when she asked for a pick-up truck for graduation. “You don’t have a prayer,” came out of my mouth and shocked me! The words echoed in the air. They were not true. No one can take prayer away from us, but I said that, thinking of our financial situation. We couldn’t afford to buy another vehicle, and my husband never bought anything unless it was an absolute need, or an incredible bargain.
I told my daughter, “I’m sorry, Suz! What I said wasn’t true! You can always pray about anything.” Suz said, with hope coming into her heart, “Okay, then let’s pray that somehow I can get a pick-up truck for graduation in six weeks.”
I said to Suz, “Yes, we can pray for that. Just don’t get your hopes up, because there is no way we can afford it. It would have to be a miracle.”
“Dear Heavenly Father,” Suz prayed, “Would you help me get a pick-up truck for graduation? I will be working on a ranch and everyone there drives a pick-up truck.” Hearing that something was impossible or would have to be a miracle didn’t stop Suz from praying and believing. By now she had seen more prayers answered than we could count, and knew God could do anything!
I prayed also, “Yes, dear God, forgive me for saying that she hasn’t a prayer! It is impossible for us to buy a truck, but You said, ‘Pray about everything,’ so we are praying this impossible prayer to You for a pick-up truck for Suz for graduation. We trust You for Your answer, God.” I believed that Suz would not get a pick-up truck for graduation, but that this would be a lesson for her that we can’t have everything we want.
The weekend was over and we each went our own way. Suz drove off in our old 1966 Cadillac. It was 17 years old and a gas guzzler, but it was adequate transportation until she could afford to buy herself what she wanted. She went back to school, learning to be a horse trainer and ranch manager. I remained at home, preparing for the week ahead.
I forgot all about the prayer because it seemed so impossible. Ten days later I was at work and Frank, a college student, asked me if I knew anyone who was interested in buying his vehicle. Someone had stolen his truck and stripped it of all four wheels with the tires. The vehicle was found with no wheels and put in an impound yard. Frank could not afford to replace the wheels or to pay the impound fee. He was hoping to sell the vehicle, as is, and glean what money he could get for it. So far, he had no buyer.
I called my husband, Dick, and he said that we could only give Frank $400 right now, but if Frank would take that, we would buy his truck— as is. Frank agreed and sold us his truck. I was so sorry for him, and I prayed that everything would work well for Frank. That weekend Dick went to several junk yards until he found the right four wheels with tires. He took them to the impound yard, put them on the truck, and paid the impound fee.
God did not cause Frank’s truck to be stolen to answer Suz’s prayer. God is love and everything good comes from Him. The Bible says that because Adam and Eve chose to not believe God, or obey Him, that we live in a fallen world where bad things happen. God heard Suz’s prayer for a truck, and at the same time blessed Frank.
We kept it a secret and brought the truck, a 1972 Ford Courier pick-up, to her graduation. After the ceremony, we gave her the keys to her vehicle. She was overjoyed to get her pick-up truck! As she listened to the story, she realized that God had done a miracle for her. In John 16:24 God said, “Ask and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” She asked, God blessed her, and her joy WAS full! In Luke 1:37 God said, “With God nothing is impossible.”
God gave Suz a miracle because she asked. Ever since she was seven years old, and started hearing God’s promises, she has seen God answer prayer. Her faith has grown, and she lives on praying ground, where prayers are answered.
My free eBook, “Ten Steps to Answered Prayer,” is available (see above). It teaches how to live on praying ground. No one can take prayer away from us! I challenge you to claim the priceless treasure of prayer.