18 Oct


Many years ago, at church, a wonderful Christian lady asked me if I would like to be her daily prayer partner—on the phone.  She was looking for someone with whom to pray, after her husband left for work in the morning.  She hoped we could start each day right, by praying together for ten minutes.  We were both believers who had come to know God personally by accepting Jesus as our Savior.  Neither of us were perfect, but God was changing us as we believed Him and obeyed Him!


We started praying together five days a week.  We each shared the biggest burden on our heart, and then listened as the other person talked to God about it.  Soon we started praying for the biggest burden we had, for each member of both of our families, and our prayer time crept up to about 30 minutes a day.


It is very comforting to share all the burdens on your heart.  Hearing my prayer partner tell God about my problems, and then seeing God answer, was awesome!  Prior to cell phones, there were long distant charges on every call that was not local. My prayer partner moved 20 miles away, and there were many long distant charges, but we felt that emotionally we could not give up praying together.  This was too good to give up—being heard, understood, hearing our burdens given to God, and—God answering!  This was a true treasure!  When her husband retired, and they moved near the Canadian border, there were even higher phone charges.  Later we moved to Arizona, so the distance was even greater!  The added expense was nothing, compared to the joy of sharing, praying, and seeing God’s answers.  And He did answer our prayers!  We raised our children in a dangerous area in Southern California, and they all survived!


Many times, amazed by another answer to prayer, I wondered if we should write a book about God answering our prayers!  I felt we needed to share all the blessings we received by praying together.  When I mentioned it, my prayer partner always said, “I don’t want my name on a book.”  (I am honoring her desire and not mentioning her name.)  Our reason for praying wasn’t for self-recognition.  We prayed because we lived in a treacherous world, and our families needed God’s protection and blessings!   God said, “Pray about everything and tell Me your needs” (Phil. 4:6).  We loved to talk to God, and He loved to listen and respond!


After 34 years, my friend went to Heaven.  I imagine her there, walking and talking with Jesus!  And she is surrounded by her loved ones who went on before!  How I thank God for her, for the friendship, and the fact that she was like a mother to me!   She discipled me when I was a new Christian, and in 34 years, I learned more from her than I could ever count!  Thank you, God, for 34 years of Your presence in our friendship!  I didn’t stop praying after she went to Heaven.  God continues to answer my prayers regularly!


God answered our prayers, because each of us loved God, listened to Him, and sought to please Him.  (See my eBook, “Ten Steps to Answered Prayer.”)  God was first in each of our lives, and He responded by answering our prayers!



Someone asked on Facebook, “Has God ever answered a prayer for you?”  I was shocked!  Could there be people out there who haven’t had a prayer answered?    I decided that I had to share God’s answers to prayer—and how a person needs to live, so that God will answer.  I estimate that God answered at least one prayer a day for us, for 34 years.  Even on the conservative side, that is over 8,000 answers to prayer!   God really blessed us!


In 2017, God gave me a dream, and let me know that He would help me publish one answer to prayer a week.  Take a look at www.godanswers.net, and receive my free eBook, “Ten Steps to Answered Prayer.” Learn how to live on praying ground, so that He will answer your prayers too!