I drove from California to Arizona to deliver an engine to my son Shane, for his Volkswagon. It was late August, in 1998, and Shane was back to school at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. My husband, Dick, was taking a class at Orange Coast College and was unable to get away. We always made the trip across the desert during the night because our cars were old. Even when we drove with the air conditioners off, our cars still overheated when climbing mountains. So, we drove after the sun went down. It took Shane five hours to make the trip—it always took me eight.
Each time I visited Shane, I cleaned his house as a gift of love. I could clean it in a day, but the area rug in his living room was very spotted. I dragged it outside and draped it over the huge propane tank in Shane’s yard. If I scrubbed only the spots, I thought the Arizona sun would dry the spots before 5:00 P.M. when I had to leave. Unfortunately, it didn’t work to do the spots only, because the entire rug was too dirty. I ended up hosing the whole rug, soaping it, and using a broom to scrub it. Everything about cleaning the rug took too much time! I got too much soap into it, and it took more than an hour to hose all the soap out. Now it was sopping wet at noon, and I needed it totally dry by 5:00 P.M. to put it back in the living room. I had to leave by 5:00 P.M. to safely drive home. After midnight I get too sleepy to drive.
“Oh God, this took too long and it needs to be dry before 5:00 P.M. I didn’t plan to get this carpet soaking wet, but once I started, I had to get it clean. Now it’s noon and it is still sopping wet! Water is still running out of it, but I ask, in Jesus Name that the rug will be dry by 5:00 P.M. so that I can put it back before I leave. That’s impossible—except for You, God! You said that nothing is too hard for You! So, I ask You to do the impossible, and I remind You that You said You would meet all my needs.”
I left the rug, with water still draining out of it, and went inside. I had to finish cleaning so that I could get back to California and report to work at the School District. I had the afternoon to vacuum, scrub two bathrooms, and scour the kitchen—in the house that was home to three male college students.
A few minutes later, I heard the wind become a gale. It sounded like a violent wind, of hurricane force—strong enough to pick up the area rug and carry it half a block away. I ran out to see if the rug was blowing off the propane tank. Wonder of wonders! The wind pinned the rug to the propane tank and all water in the rug was blowing out of it! God had sent a giant hair dryer—a hot Arizona powerful wind, to dry the rug!
While I cleaned inside, that wind kept on blowing outside, drying the carpet. Around 4:30 P.M., just as I finished cleaning, the wind died down and all was calm. The living room floor was ready for a clean area rug. That carpet was totally dry—not even damp! One of Shane’s roommates arrived home and helped me carry the rug inside. It was the finishing touch! “Thank You, God! You did the impossible and even sent me a helper! Nothing is too hard for You!”
Shane arrived home just before I left to drive back to California. He hugged me and thanked me. His house was sparkling clean and I had given the gift of love to my son! As I left for California, I rejoiced because Shane knew that he was precious to me!
I encourage you to memorize these helpful promises from God:
“My God will supply all your needs.” Phil. 4:19
“With God, nothing is impossible.” Luke 1:37
“You shall decree a thing, and it will be established, and God’s light will shine on that path.” Job 22:28
You never know when you might need these promises. Remind God when you have a need, and don’t give up. Tell Him, “I’m not giving up, God, because You promised, and You don’t lie!” God doesn’t mind being reminded. He loves that you believe His Word and claim it. Tell Him, “God you said in Phil. 4 that you would meet all our needs and that nothing is impossible for you. In Job, You said that when we decree a thing, it becomes established, and that You will bless it. I’m claiming Your promises and decreeing them, God!”
Read my free eBook, Ten Steps to Answered Prayer. It tells the story of how to live on praying ground so that God will answer your prayers. “God Speaks Through Dreams,” tells about the dream that God gave me. He told me to publish His answers to prayer. In the dream He showed me that He knew I couldn’t publish without His help. He said, “Start,” and that He would do what I couldn’t do. If He tells you to do something, He will help you do it.