In 2002 we sold our home in California and bought a house in Arizona. Dick went ahead to Arizona, but I was scheduled for two minor surgeries, so I stayed in California in our motorhome at Camp Pendleton’s ocean campground. Shane was working in St. Louis as an Aeronautical Engineer and Suz was in a new job in Washington State. In Suz’s job, she had to put in her request for time off, for the entire year, by February. Since Suz had no seniority at her job, she wouldn’t be able to get off at Christmas time. Even though it was 11 months away, she asked when we could celebrate Christmas together. We chose early December and she put in her request for that time off. I would still be at the campground and Suz would fly down for an early Christmas celebration with me.
Every day, for 9 months, as I walked my dog, we walked past a beautiful ocean campsite that was closer to the ocean than any other. Each time I walked past, I stopped there and prayed that we would be able to have that camp space when she came.
I had enjoyed reading through the Bible so many times that I lost track of how many times I read every word of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. I memorized the promises that God had made to us. One of my favorites was Mark 11:24, “All things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you.” God didn’t say He would grant MOST things for which we pray. He said He would grant ALL things! He didn’t say, “IF it is my will, I will grant it.” He made the huge, incredible promise to anyone who BELIEVES Him, that ALL their requests would be granted. If He said it, I believed it! So twice a day as I walked my dog, I pictured Suz and I enjoying that wonderful ocean-close spot and celebrating an early Christmas together! God doesn’t lie, so I had no doubt that He would grant me this request.
I tried to reserve the spot but was told they only made reservations a month in advance. Every day for months, I walked my dog past that beautiful camp spot on the beach and asked God for that camp spot to be ours when Suz arrived. I pictured our motorhome parked there so close to the ocean, with our lawn chairs on the beach, facing the ocean waves. I pictured Suz, my dog and me enjoying the beach and each other. Just the thought of enjoying that spot with my wonderful daughter always made me happy. I thanked and praised God ahead of time!
The months went by, and when November came, I tried again to reserve that spot, but this time was told that that particular campsite was for group camping only. I didn’t qualifiy to get the site as a single camper. I was so disappointed, and with sadness I gave up the dream and accepted that Suz and I couldn’t have that space. I didn’t realize that God had already said,”Yes” to my prayer!
In late November, everyone in the Campground was notified that the campground roads and campsites needed re-paving. We all had to leave the campground while this was being done. The date for repaving was the week Suz would be visiting me. This was even worse news than not being able to reserve that camp spot. It meant I would not even be able to be in the campground by the ocean, while Suz was visiting! While adjusting to this added disappointment, a friend told me that a few “regulars” were allowed to stay in the campground, if they would park back by the railroad tracks. They had to promise not to drive near the paving work. I found that I was considered a “regular” and that I could remain in the campground! I was so thankful!
The day before Suz arrived, I learned that they were not paving the beach camp spots. They were only re-paving on the bluff. The entire campground was closed, and they were not paving the campsite I had prayed for. So I asked if I could have that camp spot for a week. They agreed that I could have it! What an unexpected gift!
I thanked God over and over as I moved my motorhome to the campsite I had prayed for—for nine months. I had given up because it seemed utterly impossible, but with God nothing is impossible, and He had said, “Yes.” When it looks impossible to us, it isn’t impossible for God! He caused the closing of the campground to coincide with giving me that camp spot! “Thank You, God!”
I met Suz and her dog, Moki, up at the Orange County Airport and we drove to the campsite. We enjoyed a wonderful week by the ocean! It was the beginning of the Christmas season, and we celebrated that God sent a Savior—and that He gave us such a wonderful place to enjoy for our week together. God heard my prayers, and even though I had given up because of impossibilities, God just laughed and said, “Yes.” “Thank You, God! You are the God of the impossible!”
Genesis 18:14 “Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
Jeremiah 32:17 says, “Ah Lord God! Behold you have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You!”
Luke 1:37 says, “For nothing is impossible with God.”